Tacho Generator is a device for converting turn to voltage and thereby setting the output voltage over the input range. Tachogenerator can also be used in cement, textile and steel factories. Baumer Germany is one of the top companies in the field of producing Tacho Generator. Some features of Tachogenerator: High precision and high speed, high degree of protection, low space occupancy, high quality, explosion-proof and with world standards.
General characteristics of Baumer tachogenerators are:
Measures speed and rotation jumps in real time.
Speed range of more than 1:20,000 (14 bits) and is discrete.
Resistant to mechanical and electrical influences.
Standard temperature range °C -30 to +130 °C.
Resistant to marine and tropical climates.
No interference during signal transmission.
Two-core cable for signal transmission.
High signal quality and long service life due to the new HUEBNER innovation "HUEBNER Long Life Technology"
A variety of hollow shafts for direct installation without coupling.
Combination with common shaft: Tachogenerator + Tachogenerator (Twin Tachogenerator) Tachogenerator + Incremental Encoder (Digital Tacho), Tachogenerator + Speed Switch