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Westcode thyristor

What are Westcode thyristors?

Westcode thyristors are one-way switches that pass current only through the anode to the cathode, and to have two-way current, we need to parallel the two thyristors in opposite directions. Thyristors are mainly designed to amplify or modify the electrical current in electronic devices and they are used in two stable states, on and off. Contact us for purchase and price.

Westcode thyristor 

Function of Westcode thyristors:

The operation of westcode thyristors is similar to that of a relay. In relays, if voltage is applied to the winding wire, the open contact of the relay is closed, but in thyristors, by applying voltage to the cathode and gate terminals, current is established between the anode and cathode terminals.

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Thyristor disk N1718NS180 Westcode Peyman Electric