SEMIKRON Germany has more than half a century of experience in building Power Semiconductor power semiconductors and innovators in the technology of Fast Recovery Diode, Power Mosfet, High Current IGBT & Module. The Thyristor diode has an electrical conductivity value between a conductor, such as copper and an insulator, such as a glass. When the temperature of these two materials increases, their resistance decreases. But Thyristor Diode's response to metal differs from copper and glass. A Thyristor diode is offered in the Electric Contractor. Contact our experts to purchase the Thyristor Diode Semiconductors. Semikron diode Thyristor models: SKKH 57/08 E, SKKH 57/12 E, SKKH 57/14 E, SKKH 57/16 E, SKKH 57/18 E, SKKH 57 / 20E H4